SAPERE XXX: Abrahams Aufbruch

Philon of Alexandria, De migratione Abrahami Introduced, translated and provided with interpretative essays by Heinrich Detering / Lutz Doering / Reinhard Feldmeier / Rainer Hirsch-Luipold / Heinz-Günther Nesselrath / Maren R. Niehoff / Peter Van Nuffelen / Florian Wilk, Tübingen 2017.

Philon's writing De Migratione Abrahami is an allegorical commentary on Gen 12. The exodus of Abraham from his Chaldean homeland is allegorically interpreted by Philon as the exodus of the soul from the world of the senses and its return to God. In addition to a detailed introduction to the life and thought of the Alexandrian religious philosopher, this edition offers the text with translation and explanatory notes. Commentary essays from different scholarly perspectives place the text in the context of contemporary Judaism both in Alexandria and in the Palestinian motherland, pay tribute to Philon as a representative of Platonism in the imperial era, and address two central topoi of the text: the knowledge of God and the philosophically interpreted experience of exile. Comparative studies on the figure of Abraham in the New Testament and in Thomas Mann's Joseph and His Brothers round off the volume.

Detering, Heinrich; Doering, Lutz; Feldmeier, Reinhard; Hirsch-Luipold, Rainer; Nesselrath, Heinz-Günther; Niehoff, Maren R.; Van Nuffelen, Peter; Wilk, Florian
Composite volume; German, Ancient Greek
Published: 2017
Publisher: Mohr Siebeck Verlag: Tübingen
ISBN: 978-3-16-153819-3