SAPERE XI: The Apocryphal Correspondence between Seneca and Paul
The apocryphal correspondence between Seneca and Paul, introduced, translated and provided with interpretative essays by Alfons Fürst / Folker Siegert / Peter Walter / Therese Fuhrer, Tübingen 2007. Published since August 2012 in an unchanged new edition in the UTB series.
With a top-class interdisciplinary team of experts under the leadership of a proven expert on this text (cf. A. Fürst, Pseudepigraphie und Apostolizität im apokryphen Briefwechsel zwischen Seneca und Paulus, in: JbAC 41, 1998, 77-117), the 14 short letters of this correspondence are presented and interpreted with translation. Until Erasmus of Rotterdam, the correspondence was considered authentic. A bilingual edition is not yet available.
- J. van Oort, Vigiliae Christianae 61 (2007), S. 368-379.
- New Testament Abstracts 51/2 (2007), S. 421.
- I. Ramelli, Gnomon 80 (2008), S. 307-311.
- P. Rosa, Admantius 14 (2008), S. 616-619.
- Welt und Umwelt der Bibel 1/2009, S. 81.
- C. Fry, BMCR 2010.09.03 (2010).
Fürst, Alfons; Walter, Peter; Fuhrer, Therese
Sammelband; Deutsch, Latein
Published: 2012
Publisher: Mohr Siebeck Verlag: Tübingen
ISBN: 978-3-16-149130-6