Legend - Teaching - Life Shaping, introduced, translated and provided with interpretative essays by Michael v. Albrecht / John M. Dillon / Martin George / Michael Lurje / David S. du Toit, Darmstadt 2002.

With his Vita Pythagorica, the philosopher Jamblich drafts a Neoplatonic doctrine of salvation, which was also intended as a rival to Christianity, which had already become very strong in his time. The illumination of this rivalry is one of the topics of the present volume, which thus also provides new insights into the late antique "wrestling" between Christian and non-Christian ideas of salvation.


  • H. FLÜCKINGER, Bulletin des schweizerischen Altphilologen-Verbandes 62(2003), 39-40.
  • D.J. O’MEARA, The Classical Review 54 (2004), 84f.
  • A. SCHNIEWIND, Museum Helveticum 60 (2003), 232f.
  • F. FERRARI, Estratto da Athenaeum. Studi di Letteratura e Storia dell’Antichità XCIV (2006), 354-356.
  • International Review of Biblical Studies 49 (2002/03), 1297.
  • E. KOSKENNIEMI, Biblische Zeitschrift 49/1 (2005), 155-157.
  • PV-aktuell Nr. 3 (2003), 6.

Dillon, John M.; George, Martin; Lurje, Michael; du Toit, David S.; v. Albrecht, Michael
Composite volume; German, Ancient Greek
Published: 2002
Publisher: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt: Darmstadt
ISBN: 3-534-14945-9
