Our Team

Prof. Dr. Barbara Borg
Scientific Advisory Board

Barbara Hirsch
Project coordinator

Tabea Aebi

Julius Furthmüller
Editorial assistant
Autorinnen und Autoren
- Dr. Matthias Adrian, Theology, Augsburg (Volume 36)
- Prof. Dr. theol. Stefan Alkier, New Testament Studies, Frankfurt (Volume 15)
- Prof. Dr. Eugenio Amato, Greek studies, Nantes (Volume 13)
- Prof. Dr. Walter Ameling, Ancient History Studies, Köln (Volume 27)
- Dr. Yuri Arzhanov, Oriental Studies, Bochum (Volume 26)
- Prof. Dr. Sydney-Hervé Aufrère, Egyptology, Marseillen (Volume 38)
- Dr. Balbina Bäbler, Classical Archeology, Göttingen (Volumes 2, 6)
- (†) Prof. Dr. Matthias Baltes, Greek Studies, Münster (Volume 7)
- Prof. Dr. Manuel Baumbach, Greek Studies, Bochum (Volumes 9, 22 & 23)
- Prof. Dr. Dr. Matthias Becker, New Testament Studies, Heidelberg (Volumes 32 & 34)
- Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h. c. Okko Behrends, History of law, Göttingen (Volume 18)
- Prof. Dr. Nicole Belayche, Ancient History and Religious Studies, Paris (Volume 41)
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Bendlin, Historical studies, Toronto (Volume 33)
- Prof. Dr. Jonathan Ben-Dov, Jewish Studies, Tel Aviv (Volume 37)
- Dr. Fabio Berdozzo, Greek Studies, Wuppertal (Volumes 14 & 33)
- Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bernard, Greek Studies, Rohstock (Volume 21)
- Prof. em. Dr. Ulrich Berner, Religious Studies, Bayreuth (Volume 1)
- Prof. Dr. Richard Bett, Philosophy, Baltimore (Volume 25)
- PD Dr. Ursula Bittrich, Classical Philology, Giessen (Volume 24)
- Prof. Dr. Bruno Bleckmann, Ancient History Studies, Düsseldorf (Volumes 17, 39)
- Dr. Folker Blischke, New Testament Studies, Rossla (Volume 27)
- Dr. Mareike Blischke, New Testament Studies, Rossla (Volume 27)
- Prof. em. Dr. Boothe, Clinical Psychology, Zürich (Volume 15)
- Prof. Dr. Barbara Borg, Classical Archaeology, Exeter (Volumes 13, 31 & member of the Steering Committee).
- Prof. Dr. George Boys-Stones, Philosophy, Toronto (Volume 14)
- Prof. Dr. Christian Brockmann, Greek Studies, Hamburg (Volume 29)
- Dr. Renate Burri, Church History, Bern (Volume 13 & 23)
- Dr. Börje Bydén, Byzantine Studies, Geneva (Volume 24)
- (†) Prof. Dr. George Cawkwell, Ancient History Studies, Oxford (Volume 16)
- Prof. Dr. Clive Chandler, Classical Philology, Giessen (Volume 24)
- Prof. Dr. John J. Collins, Old Testament Studies, Yale, New Haven (Volume 37)
- Dr. Lorenzo Corti, Philosophy, Nancy (Volume 25)
- Prof. Dr. Hans Daiber, Oriental Studies, Frankfurt (Volume 23)
- Prof. Dr. Frank Daubner, Ancient History Studies, Trier (Volume 35)
- Prof. Dr. Albert F. de Jong, Religious and Iranian Studies, Leiden (Volume 6)
- Dr. Maria Carmen de Vita, Philosophy, Salerno (Volume 39)
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Heinrich Detering, German Philology, Göttingen (Volume 30)
- Prof. em. Dr. Werner Deuse, Romance Studies, Siegen (Volume 16)
- Prof. em. Dr. John M. Dillon, Greek Studies, Dublin, (Volumes 4, 7, 16 & 34)
- Prof. Dr. Lutz Doering, New Testament and Jewish Studies, Münster (Volumes 30 & 37)
- (†) Prof. Dr. Pierluigi Donini, Greek Studies, Mailand (Volume 7)
- Prof. Dr. Tiziano Dorandi, Classical Philology, Paris (Volume 25)
- Prof. Dr. Janet Downie, Classical Philology, North Carolina (Volume 33)
- Prof. Dr. David S. du Toit, New Testament Studies, Erlangen (Volume 4)
- Prof. Dr. Michael Durst, Church History & Patristics, Chur (Volume 4)
- Prof. Dr. Eva Ebel, Religious pedagogy, Zürich (Volume 22)
- Prof. em. Dr. Martin Ebner, New Testament Studies, Bonn (Volume 3)
- Prof. Dr. Wilfried Eisele, New Testament Studies, Tübingen (Volume 26)
- Dr. Dorit Engster, Ancient History Studies, Göttingen (Volume 19)
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Erler, Greek Studies, Würzburg (Volume 20)
- Dr. Frank Feder, Coptic Old Testament, Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Volume 21)
- Prof. Dr. Barbara Feichtinger-Zimmermann, Latin Philology, Konstanz (Volume 10)
- Prof. em. Dr. Reinhard Feldmeier, New Testament Studies, Göttingen (Volumes 1, 8, 17, 20, 30 & Co-editor of the series)
- Prof. Dr. Franco Ferrari, Philosophy, Pavia (Volume 31, 40)
- Dr. Uta Barbara Fink, Mannheim (Volume 15)
- Prof. Dr. Sotera Fornaro, Greek Studies, Sassari (Volume 13)
- Prof. em. Dr. Maximilian Forschner, Philosophy, Erlangen (Volumes 6, 22, 36 & Member of the Steering Committee)
- Dr. Alexander Free, Ancient History Studies, Munich (Volume 42)
- Prof. Dr. Jörg Frey, Theology, Zurich (Volume 37)
- Prof. Dr. Klaus S. Freyberger, Archeology, Rome (Volume 18)
- Prof. Dr. Therese Fuhrer, Latin Philology, Munich (Volume 11)
- Prof. Dr. Dr. Alfons Fürst, Early Church History, Münster (Volumes 11, 27 & 31)
- Prof. Dr. Dorothee Gall, Latin philology, Bonn (Volumes 19, 38 & Member of the Steering Committee)
- Prof. Dr. Peter Gemeinhardt, Church History, Göttingen (Volume 28)
- Prof. em. Dr. Martin George, Early Church History, Bern (Volume 13 & 23)
- Prof. Dr. Christine Gerber, New Testament Studies, Berlin (Volume 15)
- Dr. Jens Gerlach, Graecistics, Hamburg (Volume 9)
- Dr. Sebastian Gertz, Philosophy, Oxford (Volume 24)
- Prof. Dr. Reinhold F. Glei, Latin Philology, Bochum (Volume 32)
- Prof. Dr. Hans Rupprecht Goette, German Archaeological Institute, Berlin (Volume 19)
- Prof. em. Dr. Herwig Görgemanns, Classical Philology, Heidelberg (Volume 10 & 17)
- Prof. Dr. Fritz Graf, Classical Philology and Epigraphics, Ohio (Volume 10)
- Prof. Dr. Sven Grosse, Theology, Basel (Volume 20)
- Prof. Dr. Holger Gzella, Old Testament Theology, Munich (Volume 3)
- PD Dr. Peter Habermehl, Latin Philology, FU Berlin (Volume 5)
- Prof. Dr. Markus Hafner, Greek Studies, Graz (Volume 42)
- Prof. Dr. Ralph Häfner, Modern German Literary History, Freiburg (Volume 7)
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Johannes Hahn, Ancient History and Epigraphy, Münster (Volumes 13 & 18)
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hammerstaedt, Classical Philology and Papyrology, Köln (Volume 5)
- Dr. Dirk U. Hansen, Greek Studies, Greifswald (Volume 9)
- PD Dr. Udo Hartmann, Ancient History Studies, Jena (Volume 34)
- Prof. Dr. Bernhard Heininger, New Testament Studies, Würzburg (Volume 1)
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Heller, Pastoral Theology and Pastoral Psychology, Graz (Volume 42)
- Prof. Dr. Birgit Heller, Religious Studies, Vienna (Volume 42) (Volume 42)
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Helmig, Philosophy, Köln (Volume 34)
- Prof. Dr. Charlotte Hempel, Jewish Studies, Birmingham (Volume 37)
- Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Herrmann-Otto, Ancient History Studies, Trier (Volume 19)
- (†) Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Heun, Law, Göttingen (Volume 19)
- Barbara Hirsch M.A., Archeology, Bern (Volume 8)
- Prof. Dr. Rainer Hirsch-Luipold, New Testament Studies, Bern (Volumes 1, 8, 27, 30, 31 & Co-editor of the series)
- Dr. Vera Hofmann, Ancient History Studies, Vienna (Volume 35)
- Prof. Dr. Martin Hose, Greek Studies, Munich (Volumes 21, 40)
- Prof. Dr. Werner G. Jeanrond, Systematic Theology, Oslo (Volume 10)
- Prof. Dr. Lenka Karfiková, Philosophy & Theology, Prague (Volume 7)
- Prof. em. Dr. Hans-Josef Klauck, New Testament Studies, Chicago (Volumes 2 & 14)
- Prof. Dr. Lutz Koch, Pedagogics, Bayreuth (Volume 8)
- Prof. Dr. Reinhard Gregor Kratz, Old Testament Studies, Göttingen (Volume 37)
- Prof. Dr. Jill Kraye, History, London (Volume 23)
- Dr. Marie-Luise Lakmann, New Testament Studies, Münster (Volumes 7 & 28)
- Prof. Dr. Francesca Lamberti, Law, Lecce (Volume 5)
- Prof. Dr. Daniel Lanzinger, New Testament Studies, Paderborn (Volume 36)
- Dr. Adrien Lecerf, Ancient Philosophy, Paris (Volume 41)
- Prof. em. Dr. Gustav Adolf Lehmann, Ancient History, Göttingen (Volumes 19 & 35 & Member of the Steering Committee)
- Dr. Erich Lehner, Psychotherapy, Bad Fischau (Volume 42)
- Prof. Dr. Achim Lohmar, Philosophy, Essen (Volume 20)
- PD Dr. Katharina Luchner, Greek Studies, Munich (Volume 17)
- Dr. Michael Lurje, Classical Philology, Edinburgh (Volume 4)
- Prof. Dr. Irmgard Männlein-Robert, Greep Studies, Tübingen (Volumes 20, 32 & 34)
- Dr. Milena Melfi, Archeology, Oxford (Volume 29)
- Dr. Detlef Melsbach, Theology, Hamburg (Volume 41)
- Dr. Noam Mizrahi, Jewish Studies, Tel Aviv (Volume 37)
- Prof. Dr. Claudio Moreschini, Classical Philology, Pisa (Volume 38)
- Prof. Dr. Heinz-Günther Nesselrath, Greek Studies, Göttingen (volumes 3, 6, 8, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 39 & co-editor of the series)
- Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr, New Testament Studies, Jena (Volumes 15 & 27)
- Prof. Dr. Maren R. Niehoff, Jewish Studies, Jerusalem (Volumes 27, 30 & 36)
- Prof. Dr. Vered Noam, Jewish Studies, Tel Aviv (Volume 37)
- Prof. em. Dr. Vivian Nutton, History of Medicine, London (Volume 12)
- Prof. em. Dr. Dominic O’Meara, Philosophy, Fribourg (Volume 34)
- PD Dr. Friederike Oertelt, New Testament Studies, Erlangen (Volume 36)
- Dr. Christiana M. M. Olfert, Philosophy, Boston (Volume 25)
- Prof. Dr. Jan Opsomer, Philosophy, Leuven (Volumes 10, 41 & Member of the Steering Committee)
- Prof. em. Dr. Robert Parker, Greek Studies, Oxford (Volumes 16 & 29)
- Prof. em. Dr. Christopher Pelling, Greek Studies, Oxford (Volumes 16)
- Prof. em. Dr. Peter Pilhofer, New Testament Studies, Erlangen (Volume 9)
- Dr. Thomas Pitour, Theology, Munderkingen (Volumes 26)
- Prof. Dr. Zlatko Pleše, Religious Studies, Chapel Hill (Volume 38)
- Prof. Dr. Uta Poplutz, New Testament Studies, Wuppertal (Volume 20)
- Prof. Dr. Peter E. Pormann, Classical Philology and Graeco-Arabic Studies, Manchester (Volume 12)
- Prof. Dr. Robert Porod, Greek Studies, Graz (Volume 42)
- Prof. Dr. Ferdinand R. Prostmeier, New Testament Studies, Freiburg (Volume 28)
- Prof. Dr. Joachim F. Quack, Egyptology, Heidelberg (Volume 38)
- Prof. Dr. Ilaria Ramelli, Classical Philology, Milano (Volumes 13 & 14)
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Rebenich, Ancient History, Bern (Volume 40)
- Prof. em. Dr. Eckart Reinmuth, New Testament Studies, Rostock (Volume 15)
- Prof. Dr. Friedrich V. Reiterer, Old Testament Studies, Salzburg (Volume 27)
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Ernst Ribbat, German Studies, Münster (Volumes 3)
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Riedweg, Greek Studies, Zurich (Volume 32)
- Prof. em. Dr. Dres. h.c. Adolf Martin Ritter, Early Church History, Heidelberg (Volumes 5, 17, 28, 33 & 40)
- (†) Prof. em. Dr. Donald A. Russell, Classical Philology, Oxford (Volumes 16, 24 & 29)
- PD Dr. Thomas Rütten, History of Medicine, Newcastle (Volume 12)
- Prof. em. Dr. Jacques Schamp, Classical Philology, Fribourg (Volume 13)
- Dr. Elizabeth Scharffenberger, Classical Philology, New York (Volume 25)
- PD Dr. Oliver Schelske, Greek Studies, Munich (Volumes 20)
- Prof. Dr. Peter Schenk, Latin Studies, Cologne (Volume 5)
- Prof. Dr. Peter Scherrer, Archeology, Graz (Volume 42)
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmeller, New Testament Studies, Frankfurt a.M. (Volume 22)
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Schorn, Ancient History, Leuven (Volume 34)
- PD Dr. Michael Schramm, Classical Philology, Göttingen (Volumes 39 & 40)
- Prof. Dr. Stephan Schröder, Greek Studies, Erlangen (Volume 16)
- Prof. Dr. Monika Schuol, Ancient History, Berlin (Volume 21)
- Prof. Dr. Peter-Klaus Schuster, Art History, Berlin (Volume 12)
- Prof. em. Dr. David Sedley, Philosophy, Cambridge (Volume 25)
- Dr. Simone Seibert, Latin Studies, Göttingen (Volume 36)
- Prof. em. Dr. Anne Sheppard, Philosophy, London (Volume 24)
- Prof. em. Dr. Folker Siegert, Jewish and New Testament Studies, Münster (Volume 11)
- Prof. Dr. Nicolai Sinai, Oriental Studies, Oxford (Volume 36)
- Prof. Dr. Andrew Smith, Classical Philology, Dublin (Volume 23)
- Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Spickermann, Ancient History, Graz (Volume 42)
- Prof. Dr. Angela Standhartinger, New Testament Studies, Marburg (Volume 15)
- Prof. Dr. Florian Steger, History of Medicine, Ulm (Volume 29)
- Prof. Dr. Jan R. Stenger, Greek Studies, Würzburg (Volume 39)
- Prof. Dr. Heike Sternberg-el Hotabi, Egyptology and Coptology, Göttingen (Volume 38)
- Prof. Dr. Holger Strutwolf, Patristics, Münster (Volume 28)
- Prof. Dr. Simon Swain, , Classical Philology and Graeco-Arabic Studies, Manchester (Volume 12)
- Prof. Dr. Hidemi Takahashi, Oriental Studies, Tokyo (Volume 23)
- Prof. Dr. Ilinca Tanaseanu-Döbler, Religious Studies, Göttingen (Volumes 17, 24, 39, 40 & Member of the Steering Committee)
- Prof. Dr. Johan C. Thom, Classical Philology, Stellenbosch (Volume 23)
- Dr. habil. Tobias Thum, Classical Philology, Munich (Volume 35)
- Prof. Dr. Eibert Tigchelaar, Theology, Leuven (Volume 37)
- Dr. Andrei Timotin, History of Religion, Bucharest (Volume 29)
- Prof. Dr. Peter Toohey, Ancient Studies, Calgary (Volume 12)
- Dr. Benjamin Topp, Latin Studies, Osnabrück (Volumes 32 & 34)
- Prof. Dr. Christian Tornau, Classical Philology, Würzburg (Volume 38)
- Prof. Dr. Michael Trapp, Greek Studies, London (Volumes 29 & 31)
- Dr. Anna Tzvetkova-Glaser, Greek Studies, Heidelberg (Volume 23)
- Dr. Robbert M. van den Berg, Ancient Philosophy, Leiden (Volume 41)
- Prof. Dr. Philip van der Eijk, Classical Philology, Berlin (Volume 12)
- Prof. Dr. Peter van Nuffelen, Ancient History, Gent (Volume 30)
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Vincenzo Vitiello, Philosophy, Milano (Volume 31)
- Prof. Dr. Manuel Vogel, New Testament Studies, Jena (Volume 15)
- Prof. Dr. Katja Maria Vogt, Philosophy, New York (Volume 25)
- Prof. Dr. Samuel Vollenweider, New Testament Studies, Zurich (Volume 22)
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael von Albrecht, Latin Studies, Heidelberg (Volume 4)
- Dr. Jörg Völlnagel, Art History, Berlin (Volume 12)
- Prof. Dr. Martin Wallraff, Church History, Munich (Volume 18)
- Prof. em. Dr. Peter Walter, Dogmatics, Freiburg (Volume 11)
- Prof. Dr. James Warren, Philosophy, Cambridge (Volume 25)
- Prof. Dr. Klaus Jürgen Wegleitner, Pastoral Theology and Pastoral Psychology, Graz (Volume 42)
- Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Wiemer, Ancient History, Erlangen (Volume 18)
- Prof. Dr. Florian Wilk, New Testament Studies, Göttingen (Volume 30)
- Dr. Alexei V. Zadorozhnyy, Greek Studies, Liverpool (Volume 14)
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen K. Zangenberg, Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity Studies, Leiden (Volume 15)
- Prof. Dr. Barbara Zehnpfennig, Political Science, Passau (Volume 19)